Table of Contents
Rock Band 3 PS3/Wii Keyboard USB to Phase Shift Keyboard (RB3KB-USB2PSKB)
and osu!
Based on RB3KB-USB2MIDI but without the MIDI. Since the RB3 keyboard (especially the PS3 one) is a bit quirky and using Phase Shift with MIDI Link only allows you to play Keys, this program maps the controller to the default Phase Shift keyboard controls (1-5, tab, backspace, enter, delete) so you can also play Guitar/Bass.
I'm not very good at Phase Shift by the way; I've barely tested this.
Windows Binary and C# Source Code
- R1: osu! and Phase Shift:
- R0: Phase Shift only:
- Windows with .NET 4.5 Framework,
- LibUSB filter driver, e.g. wizard from LibUsbDotNet,
Compile with Visual Studio 2015, and LibUsbDotNet - the package on NuGet will do.
Install the LibUSB filter driver on your keyboard, keep in mind this is per USB port. PS3: “vid: 12ba pid:2330” or Wii: “vid: 1bad pid:3330”.
Run RB3KB-USB2MIDI and click “Doing Nothing” to run. Play Phase Shift or osu!
If you notice the PS3 keyboard keys aren't working, you may have to reconnect/restart the program a few times until it activates the keys.
As with RB3KB-USB2MIDI it'll probably crash or throw an error message randomly.
Phase Shift
- The console buttons (the far right white key is mapped as 5/orange), touch strip and overdrive should be fine.
- The touch strip had to be mapped to pressing delete, so it's not analog.
- White keys (and two of the black) will generally also strum when a new key is pressed down. I expect this will cause a lot of problems with chords. Can probably solve this by timing how long ago the last strum was.
- In guitar mode you can cheese repeating chords by just releasing and pressing one of the keys.
- Keys 12/14/16/22 and if connected a drum pedal will just press enter (this might be useful for bass guitar).
- The mapping was aimed to be the same as the emulated RB1 guitar Arduino project.