Table of Contents

LIV/Mixed Reality using Mods

These are notes of running some VR games that do not have official support for LIV/Mixed Reality Capture.

Worse results can be achieved using older versions of games that used to support in some capacity, see the other wiki page.

Modified Revive for Oculus Mixed Reality Capture

You can download the Revive ExternalCamera mod from:

It's only been tested with Dance Central, Espire 1 and very briefly Myst.

Steam Games

Arizona Sunshine

There is a Melon Loader mod that adds native LIV support to Arizona Sunshine without downgrading or using a virtual third controller. The mod is based on LIV's Boneworks mod (1.0.3).

Download from:

Budget Cuts 1 and 2

There is a Melon Loader mod for Budget Cuts 1 (Arcade) and Budget Cuts 2 that fixes the game breaking when a ExternalCamera.cfg file is present and also adds native LIV support (even though it apparently already has it but doesn't work). The mod is based on LIV's Boneworks mod (1.0.3).

Download from:

Budget Cuts Ultimate

Ultimate is a separate game that combines the content of Budget Cuts 1 and 2. The game is different enough that a separate mod version was necessary. Like all the others it uses Melon Loader and is based on LIV's Boneworks mod (1.0.3).

Code and download at the same place as the mod for BC2:

Vertigo Remastered and Vertigo 2

More Melon Loader mods to add LIV support to Unity games. There's a lot of graphical issues that I currently do not have the knowledge to fix.

Download from:

Jet Island

This mod is available in either IPA or MelonLoader flavour.

Download from:

To The Top

A mod to show off a game that looks ridiculous if there's legs that don't move.

Download from:

Oculus PC MRC Games

Dance Central VR

This is an Oculus Rift (PC) game that supports Oculus Mixed Reality Capture.

December 2023 note: Dance Central VR gets stuck on a loading screen, unless you patch it.

Oculus native with camera setup

Part 1

Part 2

Steam VR, modified Revive with LIV avatar setup

Steam VR users will need modified Revive (ExternalCamera) that has the following changed in REV_CAPI.cpp

Run/create shortcut for Dance Central:

LIV (Latest) setup

Composition notes

This game doesn't critically need the realities to align but it is annoying to find a camera position that frames everything well without part of the environment or a dancing NPC getting in the way.

Use OBS to manually composite the game halves and LIV output (with transparency) windows together.

If you don't plan on resizing the game window:

If you do plan on resizing the game window and/or don't want to mess around with changing cropping:

Espire 1: VR Operative (Oculus PC/Steam version)

I only have access to the Steam version, however when it runs in Oculus mode it can use Oculus Mixed Reality Capture.

Using modified Revive makes it possible to run the game's Oculus MRC with LIV avatar and add HACK_DISABLE_STATS that prevents a crash at the pause/possession screen when using vanilla Revive.

Like Dance Central and Myst, can use the modified Revive with arguments: -mixedreality -externalcomposition /legacy

Composition can benefit from a colour correction filter to turn down the brightness of the mixed reality output.

Myst (Oculus PC version)

I only have access to the game from Oculus Store, the PC version supports Oculus Mixed Reality Capture.

Have only tested with v1.7.0 with the modified Revive for about 10 seconds. If it's anything like Espire 1 there's a good chance the Steam version can be ran in Oculus mode through Revive.

Run/create shortcut for Myst:

Since it's Oculus MRC, the composition method is the same as Dance Central VR.

Loosely supported

Phantom: Covert Ops

From Oculus Store, the PC version supports Oculus Mixed Reality Capture but it's probably not worth trying in mixed reality, in the few minutes I tried came across:

Like Dance Central and Myst, can use the modified Revive with arguments: -mixedreality -externalcomposition /legacy